How to Build Your Marketing Tech Stack for Climate

by Bettina Grab | September 9, 2021

Choosing the right tech will make your marketing more impactful

Having the right marketing tech stack in place will make your marketing more efficient and easier to prove ROI. But how do you decide which tools to implement when there are over 8,000 (!) to choose from? Read on to find out where we suggest climate tech marketers start.

Read the complete blog on Tofu, our community for climate tech marketers.

Join us for our upcoming webinar “Defining Your Marketing Tech Stack” on 9/30, 10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT, online, to hear from climate marketing leaders how they define their tech stack. Register here.

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Portrait of Bettina Grab.
Bettina Grab
Company builder & B2B growth leader

Bettina is a company builder, B2B growth expert and startup advisor obsessed with using climate technologies to make an impact. As Alder’s Partner and Chief Growth Officer from 2021 to 2024, Bettina played a key role in driving the agency’s growth, overseeing business development and marketing functions, as well as advising clients on effective growth strategies. She’s a thought leader and speaker on go-to-market strategies for climate tech companies and mentors startups through Third Derivative, the Unreasonable Group and Cleantech Open. Before pivoting her career to climate tech, Bettina led B2B marketing efforts for global tech and services companies for over 15 years. She’s an avid yogi, hiker and baker of German sourdough bread.

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